I tried to leave a new topic but I think I got stuck in translation during the update of your forums.
Is there a way to power a webcam on the BBGW when the Motor Bridge Cape is attached and I am powering everything from a 12 volt lead acid battery?
P.S. I have been trying to figure out why my webcam is not powered by the 12v battery supply when I have the Cape attached. Please send any guidance you have on this issue.
I have the Motor Bridge Cape attached to the BBGW. Now, I use a 12v battery to power the Cape for use w/ four DC motors, some servos, and for the BBGW to be powered.
P.S. Then, I add the USB webcam and it does not work. I receive my error in the source stating “cannot view webcam” or whatever is stated w/ mjpg-streamer and my own source. My own source is just a shell script for a .service file to run on boot. If you need any more info, please do contact me.
I have gotten it to work before w/ the BeagleBone Black Wireless and the MotorCape attached from GHI Electronics.
P.S. Yes sir, it works and it has been known to work w/ the other boards but w/ vdd_5v and not sys_5v (I am pretty sure this is correct). I use a UVC driver plugin for access to the webcam on my bot .html page.
@silver1row , Right Since using the Cape the BBGW is powered and the USB is must-have signal and power, but anyway can you please check to power the BBGW externally and let us know the feedback , it might be a current issue or something.
Things are changing and my Chromebook is giving me issues. I see BBB.io/latest-images just came out w/ a new image. I need to test the bot on some other dev. desktop.
I will update you two soon. I am sorry it has taken me so long to reply.
I did not supply any mA to the board while my Motor Bridge Cape was powered on via 12v battery. So, even though the board was powered, it was not supplied enough mA via the Cape to support peripherals like this webcam.
So…I just plugged in a power supply to the BBGW and a 12v battery to the Motor Bridge Cape.
I did not supply any mA to the board while my Motor Bridge Cape was powered on via 12v battery. So, even though the board was powered, it was not supplied enough mA via the Cape to support peripherals like this webcam. Keywords