I see the grove relay (30A) is nice. Is it possible to interface this 30A relay w/ the BBGW?
P.S. I have a RelayCape but I do not think they have enough amperes on board to suit my needs. Send guidance and support when possible. Oh and here is the grove relay in question: http://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Grove-SPDT_Relay_30A/.
Hi Seth
You can get one base cape for bbgw, it supports 5v, which works with grove-relay. thanks.
<LINK_TEXT text=āhttp://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Grove_Base_ ā¦ leBone_v2/ā>http://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Grove_Base_Cape_for_BeagleBone_v2/</LINK_TEXT>
I have the PocketBeagle and Iām looking for a tutorial on how to program the I2C bus to control the 4 channel relay board as well as setting up the GPIO ports to control the 2 channel relay board. thxs