Raspberry 4 + Base hat + not working things


I have a raspberry 4 and a base hat.

I want to connect the

  • grove buzzer
  • grove led
  • grove temp hum pro

    At each stand i have to connect to the port 12 (pwm). How should this function??? Only one there on the hat…



You can connect the grove temp hum, grove led and grove buzzer can also work on general GPIO pins, can you please explain your application.


It’s what i wrote above. a raspberry 4 with a grove hat on it. And a lot of grove sensors.

I want to connect the

  • grove buzzer
  • grove led
  • grove temp hum pro

    Each should connect to the port 12 (pwm). How should this function??? Only one Is there on the grove hat…

    Some ideas?


You can’t use the same pin for other modules if you already used , a better way to use another pin for LED and DHT senor .