Hi, I got a Rainbowduino 328, I followed the instructions to get it going on the mTx Control rngtng.com/mtXcontrol/ but unfortunately no luck. I just get an stk500 error when trying to upload the firmware.pde sketch to the Raindbowduino throw the Arduino. Probably in the process, I corrupted the boot loader as I no longer get the default pattern on the Rainbowduino 8x8 matrix, it’s just blank now with no lights. so I figured I’d upload the bootloader back using the Arduino IDE and my AVRISP MKii. I was able to flash the bootloader back to an Arduino 328 so I know the AVRISP Mkii is working but when trying to upload the bootloader or any sketch for that matter to the Rainbowduino 328, I get this:
avrdude: stk500v2_command(): command failed
avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1
Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override
this check.
If you have an UsbART adapter, Firmware Loading will be much easier.
Just plug it into the Rainbowduino and download program to your rainbowduino with arduino-0018.
thanks, I’ll probably end up doing that. Is there a reason why though it can’t be loaded from the ISP header with a AVRISP MKII? I saw on another one of the posts that the power supply needs to be 6.5V or higher, my supply was 5V so maybe this is the problem?