Rainbowduino 3.0 Finally Works....

I have spent about six weeks, on & off, trying to get the Raindowduino to light any LED (other then default) on either 4x4x4 or 8x8. My ignorance was my own worst enemey as I struggled to harmonize the cpp/h driver files with the pde files. The solution began here: First I downloaded from anyware.co.uk/2005/2012/01/1 … inbowduino. My 4x4x4 & 8x8 are working the examples from SeeedStudio as downloaded above. This is the 1st time I have seen either matrix alight. It is worth the struggle. B in BR

:slight_smile: Glad to know that , and I think the main reason is the wiki of rainbowduino is very disordered. :confused: