Rainbowduino 3.0 and SparkFun LED matrix?

Hi all. I recently purchased a Rainbowduino 3.0 to go with an LED Matrix that I had previously purchased from Sparkfun (COM-00683, sparkfun.com/products/683).

I set up the board and tried to run the demo code. The board lights up, but the sample code doesn’t draw in the correct cells. I assume that this is due to the fact that the board has a different wiring order than other matrices (I did try turning the board upside down). I’d like to fix this, but have no idea where to start. Can the Rainbowduino library be modified to work with this board? If not, can I program the board using lower level commands in the Arduino IDE?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Hi there,

The matrix can control by Rainbowduino 3.0, because there are both control 64 LEDs.
But the code should change a lot. One is a flat another is a 3D module.

Anyway there are absolutely can program in Arduino IDE.
What if after you success, and share your code here that would be very helpful.

Thanks your support.


The respective datasheets make it look like the Sparkfun matrix uses different pins for the ground lines.
When you run the PlasmaMatrix (not cube!) demo, do all LEDs light up? If not, it won’t work plugged in, you’ll need to jumper the pins to the correct ports.

If all leds do light, then that supplier is numbering their pins very weirdly, and you’ll need to decipher their pin order, and change the order of the Rb.send16bitData() calls in the ISR() routine in Rainbowduino.cpp to match.
Good luck!

Thanks! All of the LEDs do light up, but the pin order is clearly different. Thanks for telling me where to look – I’ll report back once I figure it out.