Radio Shack Books

I looked at these like they were Radio Shack Porn…

Wow! How any circuits are there approximately?

like tons… and a whole series of books to… probably 25 pages per book… Ill bet if you google you can find them digital archive somewhere

Hi there,
I read a lot of them,
However I was a Heath kit juvenile junky, would negotiate with my parents for the next one. cut grass, washed windows , clean the pool, Clean out the Shed. You name it I was down for it if there was New kit to be built.
Never built the TV though… But everything else they put out. I did b4 that received on a B-day I think, the Big Test circuit builder board with the springs to pinch the wires in to make circuits, First was a Crystal Radio with and earphone…and my first 12vDC power supply was an Archer from the Shack. Used it to test and break :face_with_peeking_eye:car radio’s LOL later I got an SWR meter for the Cobra CB we had in the station wagon the Fam would drive back n forth to Pa from FLA. Breaker (one 9) LOL
Good stuff, man :+1:

Shame they don’t have that stuff more around in the schools.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

i had the little board with the spring contacts… i burnt out all the modules the first day…


Seeed Needs to get going on IOT platform for makers, Time to put out a Nordic Nrf54 series offering, The uno is over a year old. Time is now, also make an adapter board that will add WiFi to the Nrf52840 Sense
Making it the lowest power dual Radio MCU. 5o% smaller Chip the SoC includes an Arm Cortex-M33 processor running at 128 MHz with 1.5 MB of NVM and 256 KB of RAM, providing designers with plenty of resources for most IoT applications.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

get back to what made them most profitable, Ease up on the AI Kool-Aid imo. :+1:

what is the benefit over ESP32?

Hi there,
Where do I start. Mainly Power consumption Sleep mode lowest in the MCU world, the New SOC has physically smaller size by 50% and is based on a 22nm ULL (ultra low leakage) process from foundry FAB. It has more flash and ram, Higher cpu speed and computational power for, AI applications :face_with_peeking_eye: It has more power for transmitter, Higher sensitivity and selectivity receiver in RF radio. 4mbit Speed on BLE. add in the Wifi N7002 WiFi Radio to it and you have the REAL dual radio solution everyone needs to do Gateways, converters and concentrators on ONE MCU. No stupid ESP limitations and switching on and off the radios to do both and messed up compatibility with old LIB’s and BSP’s.
It’s a no Brainer, the fruit folks have one out but it’s the Nrf53 series one rev behind. Seeed could Leap-Frog all the competition and take the lead again, as they did with the first XIAO. “most profitable product” they have had in the past. Sparkfun had one but it is stuck in engineering. Let’s go SEEED! :muscle::heart_eyes:

:eye: :eye:

oh wow… is that why it doesnt have wifi?

Hi there, Yes, Lowest power for BLE SOC, and Lowest power draw for WiFi add on.
NO Brainer. Best thing since Cake & Ice-Cream… :cake: :icecream: