RA4M1 Analog Reference

  1. Which options are possible for the analogReference() function, and to which pins must an external reference voltage be connected? The default configuration does obviously use the 3.3V supply as reference, and there is a lot of noise in the ADC measurements.

  2. Obviously the DAC does also use 3.3V as reference by default. Is it possible to use another internal or external reference for the DAC?

Hi there,
I would have a look at the schematic here;

see there is a Vref HI and LO. so consulting the data sheet may reveal that info for external Reference for DAC
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

VREFL0 = P011 = connected to User LED
VREFH0 = P010 = connected to 3V3 via 0R and 100nF
So it seems impossible to use an external reference.