Question about various firmwares...

Does any of the currently available 1st and 3rd party firmware have an already implemented I2C:

  1. scrolling text (marquee) function
  2. print word (as opposed to single character) function
  3. whole frame bitmap upload via I2C (as opposed to a row mask)
  4. support for multiple rainbowduinos/matrices for all of the above?

Thing is, i was thinking of eventually building up a weather/e-mail/notification ticker and wouldn’t like to end up coding the above from scratch and then realising all of it was already done and available :slight_smile:

I would really like to know this too, I have just created a few Rainbowduinos but I don’t really know where to start…


I just can speak for my firmware (neorainbowduino), answers are below:

  1. scrolling text (marquee) function -> see nr3)
  2. print word (as opposed to single character) function -> see nr3)
  3. whole frame bitmap upload via I2C (as opposed to a row mask) -> yes
  4. support for multiple rainbowduinos/matrices for all of the above? -> yes

you can use a simple processing sketch (or eclipse if you want) to send data to the rainbowduinos.