Question about the ReSpeaker 2 Mic Array

Hey everyone,

Just wondering, I want to make a smart speaker as a project and I am looking for a microphone HAT.

Is the ReSpeaker 2 Mic Array compatible with the Raspberry Pi 5? I know it’s compatible in terms of hardware, but is it compatible in terms of software too?

Thanks in advance

I2S and I2C kernel modules should be enabled. This can be done through the raspi-config tool.
You also may need to install and configure the ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) drivers for proper audio handling.

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I’m using the official active cooler with it. Do you reckon I’d need a stackable header in order to fit the HAT?

Thanks in advance

I’m running into issues regarding the driver (downloading from the seeedstudio GitHub (I believe the driver is seeedstudio soundcard or something similar))

Should I be using another driver?

Thanks in advance

I seem to be able to fit the boards without a stackable header, but it isn’t pressed in all the way.