Hello, I am a starter in this area. Recently I bought a board (Mega2560) and Grove I2C Motor Shield V1.1 trying to build a robot car, but I had few questions when assembling and testing.
Firstly, my connection method is similar with http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/Grove_-_I2C_Motor_Driver_V1.3 in DC motor Driving. The only difference is I connected SDA and SCL directly to Mega ports (20SDA ,21SCL). I want to if this is correct or not because I left GND and VCC empty! T T
Also, when I connected the shield with board and used the demo code provided in http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/Grove_-_I2C_Motor_Driver_V1.1 (BTW, stepperrun() is not defined and I decided to delete this part.), it did not work. And I noticed that all the lights were on which I think is not correct.
I did not know what was wrong, maybe it was the firmware? (I got the file of it only with a hex file and I did not know what to do with it.)
Hope that anyone with experience could help! Thanks a lot!