Program error reporting

Hi @n3em3o
Please use sudo raspi-config enter raspberry pi software configuration tool, click interfacing options—>P5 i2c to enable i2c.enableI2C

But it will still report a mistake. What should I do?
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/i2c-1'

@n3em3o Did you installed the on the raspberry pi? if not please do that first.

with the single command below, we can install/update all dependencies and latest

curl -sL | sudo bash -s -

and try again! please not that, the Seeed Temperature_Sensor_V1.2 is Analog one so you should temperature sensor to port A0 of the Base Hat. like image below.

More information:

Grove Base Hat for Raspberry Pi (

Grove - Temperature Sensor V1.2(

What shou I do?

Check you internet connection, if everything goes well, you will see the following notice.

Successfully installed
Lastest from github install complete !!!

My network is connected.

But I’ve run it before Under folder

That also works! and you also need to enable the Raspberry Pi I2C
mentioned by @jiachenglumentioed.

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I tried, but it didn’t work

Ok, that’s very strange, can you try to reset the Raspberry pi or try to install new OS.

I installed the latest Raspberry Pi OS.It’s not Raspbian

That’s fine, raspbian is the new name for the os, can you try to re-install it.

Ok ! I will try re-install it.

The program doesn’t report an error. It’s OK. thank you very much!!!!!:smiley::smiley::smiley: :pray::pray::pray:

请问怎么样重置raspberry pi呢




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