I have developed a very simple Matter over Thread project, using esp-idf and esp-matter, by combining the generic_switch and icd_app examples. It works really well on an ESP32-H2 dev kit board, with a draw of 2.5mA (higher than I’d like, but I’m an amateur and it works!)
I’m a big fan of the XIAO board, so figured I’d try the C6, which has the same Thread support as the H2.
This is where my problems began!
Flashing the board is very problematic. Most of the time I have to hold boot and click reset before I can flash the using idf.py. I don’t know if this is down to the light sleep or what, but it’s very annoying!
When my code is running, the idf.py monitor keeps giving me this message:
“Error - device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected or multiple access on port?)”
The code is running in as I’m able to find the device using iOS HomeKit and pair into the Thread network. The momentary switch code I’ve written is also working. It just makes debugging very difficult!!
Lastly, the power draw from a battery seems very strange. When I use my multimeter on the H2, the draw is a steady 2.5mA. When I try the same battery on the C6, the reading hops around between 80mA and 57mA in a random fashion. Booting up perhaps?
Is there anything special I need to do to make the C6 work with a battery??
This has been a frustrating experience. Compared to developing with the C3 anyway!
Any advice or insights is welcome!