We have recieved PCBs on order Number 200506172000 and got a mistake during assembly. This applies to PCBs naming “1394975_coil_2int_0320_china_prod” and “1394978_coil_2int_0320_china_prod”.
This two boards are equal in topology, but different in assembly.
“1394978_coil_2int_0320_china_prod” must have P3 and P4 mounted (BOM screenshot attached), 10 pcs
“1394975_coil_2int_0320_china_prod” must have P1 and P2 mounted (BOM screenshot attached), 10 pcs
And we have recieve all 20 pcs with P1 and P2 mounted. (3 photos attached). We consider the order on PCB assembly “1394978_coil_2int_0320_china_prod” unfulfilled and suggest you full refund or discount on next order in size of PCB cost ($158.88). We want to repeat the same order with different shiping adress, and we must be sure, that all will be assemleb according specification.
3 weeks ago I have sended you an e-mail and still no answer recieved!!!