Problem With LinkIt-One GSM/GPRS/SMS

I M using Seeed LinkIt-One, I M facing problem with LinkIt-One GSM/GPRS, I think that the problem is to connect LinkIt-One GSM to the Cellular-Tower. When I insert SIM in the mobile I receive a messages, and without opening these messages when I insert this SIM in the LinkIt-One, all messages are shown successfully but LinkIt-One doesn’t receive new coming messages and Nor Send messages from LinkIt-One to Mobile.

I want to Know that is there any solution and AT Command Set, to debug this.

Thanks in Advance.

I remember I had a similar problem: the cause was the SIM was PIN-protected. When I removed the PIN, everything went fine.

As I wrote on my review:

The Arduino APIs provided don’t manage the PIN code, so the PIN code needs to be removed before.

I checked, PIN Code is Off

I’m facing the sort of the same problem. But in my case, I figure out how to send and receive messages. But don’t know why I can’t use GPRS on linkitone. Please tell me if you figure out how to use GPRS on linkitone. Thanks