q1:Do not need mirror or flip the bottom layers to top.
q2:Here is out fileseeedstudio_cam.rar (980 Bytes)
q3:sorry,I can’t see the picture, would you attach it again? you meant the flash pads or drills?
q4:yes, the limit is 0.4mm~2.4mm, 1mm is OK.
q5:here it is :seeedstudio_rule.rar (970 Bytes).
Please let us know if any question or info needed. ^^
Each layer in the CAM file has the same name (‘Solder stop mask SOL’)- could you rename for beginners?
example:- Top_Silk/Top_Copper/Top_Mask/Milling/Holes etc…
Sorry, I re-attached in my first post above - please check if we can do style 1 or style 2.
Also if you have any example of complex board shapes that you could show us that would be nice.