Output value of RS485 NH3 (Ammonia) sensor

Hi, I’m tring to connect NH3 sensor.But NH3 value that I got seems not correct. After start up, output value became 00000000 (HEX), if I placed the sensor to ammonia environment (e.g. around toilet), the value became strange value (e.g. A5F84086 (HEX)) and did not stable. (Sometime the value is also not Float32 format.) I could get humidity and temperature value correctly, so I think my reading setting of address of NH3 value (0x2000) is also correct. In this case, is sensor something wrong?

Upload the received data from NH3 sensor every second. I think the last (5.jpg) is strange data especially.

I’m sorry, This issue was a PC side issue and has been resolved.

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I am also having the same issue that the value from register is 00 00 00 00 and for make sure the sensor is working sensor is exposed to Ammonia Gas and it reached its maximum of 100 ppm and after some time it get back to 0 ppm as before and we have another ammonia sensing device for comparing and that device gives the result as 0.5 to 2 ppm in normal condition of a testing area.

And more importantly we are powering the Sensor only when we need data and once the reading is completed then sensor power is in off State so that the sensor is not in continues ON State(as we are looking for remote application battery operated mode so we are not able to keep the Sensor ON for all the time).

And the sensor tolerance is about 5 - 10 ppm as per Datasheet weather this may cause any difference as our comparing device gives only 0.5 to 2 ppm in testing field.

Kindly advice me on this…

Could you please take some photos to show the environment where the sensor is placed? Additionally, please send me some screenshots of the data.
How do you receive this data? Do you connect a data logger to collect the data or just use the RS485 command?

I am using RS-485 only. Datalogger is not used in our application.
We just read the data and sent the data to cloud there is no need of logging here, so we only use Sensor with RS-485 module.
I attached the photos of the testing environment and Data’s we got in serial port for your reference.

I can’t able to put photos here. It shows the warning message as “Sorry,you can’t embed media files here”

try using the datalogger and see if it confirms your numbers