OTA DFU with Seeed XIAO Sense

New to the XIAO Sense but I’ve used the nRF52840 in the past. Has anyone gotten the OTA DFU to work? After setting up, I’ve found the example that puts the XIAO sense into OTA DFU mode. How do you load a new image from there? With the nordic development kit, I was able to generate files and zip to perform DFU all in segger. Arduino is also pretty new to me.

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I was wondering the same. Have you made any progress on getting this to work?
Also, can you point me to the example to put it into OTA DFU mode?
You might be able to use MCU Manager. I think it’s part of the Nordic tools in nRF Connect for Desktop.
Ultimately I want to do OTA DFU over BLE using the web MCU Manager: GitHub - boogie/mcumgr-web: MCU Manager for browsers