ODYSSEY - X86J4125864 Operating System


I bought an ODYSSEY - X86J4125864 board and I would like to know if the Raspberry PI desktop OS works on it? If yes, is it possible to install it the same way as Ubuntu in your tutorial (with a USB boot key) or do I have to do a more complex process? If the Raspberry PI Desktop OS is not compatible, is there a lite/embedded OS of the same type as Raspberry PI desktop that works easily on ODYSSEY - X86J4125864?


Clément Remillieux

Hi, we didn’t tested PI OS. Debian is supported.

@clement_Remillieux I just have a test of pi OS, it’s fine.

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Hi Bruce.Qin,

Thank you very much for your quick answer.
Another question. If I want to clone this OS, after having made configurations and installed files for example, does the “SD card copy” tool (or similar) of Raspbian work? To summarize, I would like to be able to clone my configured OS on a USB key and install it on another Odyssey card, as with the basic image downloaded from the raspberry site but with my own configured Raspbian Desktop.



You can use dd cmd, https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/dd-command-linux/ to clone this OS.
Note: You need boot from other storage hardware, like u disk, HDD…

Hi @Baozhu,

Thanks for your answer,

So I have to use the command dd if = /dev/sda of = /dev/usb on the Raspberry PI Desktop of my main Odyssey card (Where /dev/usb is a USB stick I mounted on the main card). Then I have to boot the second Odyssey card on the USB stick. Will the BIOS utility of the second Odyssey card offer me to automatically install the OS from the USB stick to its own disk (i.e. the second Odyssey card) as for the first Raspberry PI desktop installation? Or do I have to copy the OS manually.



A bit late, but I think that you would have to:

  1. On machine with disk A where you installed an OS, boot from a live Linux thumdrive or something similar
  2. dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/usb where /dev/sda is the disk with the OS installation and /dev/usb is another empty thumdrive (not the one you booted from)
  3. Swap disk A with empty disk B you want to copy the OS onto
  4. dd if=/dev/usb of=/dev/sda
  5. Rince and repeat 3 and 4 as many times as needed depending on the number of cloned disks you need

Since you need to boot from a live USB stick anyway, you may as well just burn Clonezilla to that stick, boot it, and follow the instructions there. I did it recently to clone a NVME disk to a file and then from the file to another NVME disk (couldn’t do it directly NVME to NVME because the Odyssey only has one M.2 NVME slot), with LUKS encryption on the source disk, and it worked just fine.