Odyssey X86 how to remove W10

How to remove Windows 10, not activated, no desire to use W10 on Odyssey.

Its just like any other PC; just install another OS. You can follow the Wiki at:

Thank you for your quick response. I have Ubuntu 20 as the OS but W10 is eating up storage space and I thought if I cleaned it out more space for other stuff.

Maybe you should reinstall Ubuntu, at some point it will ask/let you to override the existing OS.

Or you have to find a way to delete the Windows partitions then extent the Ubuntu ones.

The W10 has not been activated. I am running Ubuntu as the OS.
I could try your idea but I am not that understanding of what damage I might do as I am not that cool with Linux.
I appreciate your thoughts and may take the plunge.
Best regards

Reinstalling the OS (and overriding the existing one) will not damage your Odyssey X86 board.

It will only override all the data in the eMMC/disk. So if you have any documents there, just save them somewhere else outside the odyssey before reinstalling the OS.

I will give that a try. No harm at this point as I have just a few files and nothing that I can reload. Thank you I appreciate your help.
By the way my initials are rlg.
best regards