"ODYSSEY – STM32MP157C" parity bit setting in UART serial

In ODYSSEY – STM32MP157C board, Is it possible to operation that UART parity bit setting for example ODD or EVEN.

I remember on Linux there was a tool called Minicom that you could set up. Have you tried it?

Hellow there,

I purchased “ODYSSEY – STM32MP157C” board, and it is not arrived yet.

So, I can’t try.

The purpose of this topic, I had a problem that Rpi3 UART parity bit setting.

In the Rpi3 for using parity-bit, It is necessary some change of default UART channel.

therefore, I wonder that “ODYSSEY – STM32MP157C” can work ODD parity UART communication without any setting.

For want to know, I saw “getting start guide” link that is "https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/grove.py

In this link, UART guide described like this “ser = serial.Serial(”/dev/ttyAMA0",9600)".

But, I can not sure that It is work like this “ser = serial.Serial(”/dev/ttyAMA0",9600, parity =PARITY_ODD)"

It should be work. good luck.