Hello, I’ve been using this computer for a few months with two monitors connected - the second one through usb-c port.
I’ve noticed two annoying issues:
Sometimes (recently quite often) the computer freezes on start showing the seed studio logo screen.
When working, one or two monitors suddenly disconnect for a few seconds. Sometimes it happens without any reason and sometimes when I connect/disconnect another usb device.
Hi, there, it might be some insufficient power supply issues, as you say you connect two monitors. Can you please try another power adaptor? and use one monitor in one time? Also we have provided new BIOS Updating Firmware - Seeed Wiki. You can try to update the firmware.
I have updated the BIOS, but the problem stayed. I managed to update the BIOS, but not the the Embedded Controller. I used rufus to create FreeDOS and then copied the unzipped files on it.
It just just doesn’t boot from the pendrive and nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?