nRF52840 xiao ble sense communication ble with ardunio nicla vision

Hello, for a project, I want to connect the acceleration sensor to my nicla vision device and sense xiao nrf52840 ble device via bluetooth, but I could not do this. Has anyone tried it before?

Hi there,
Yes, Use one as Central and one as peripheral, BLE is device Agnostic , It doesn’t care what the device is, only the BLE services and characteristics are what matter. set or Nicla as peripheral and connect with XIao as Central and setup Acceleration Stings service or floats, then notify when they change once connected.
I’m over simplifying it and there are some steps involved but all the info is in the WIki for a Xiao Nrf52840 BLE and Sense variants.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

:index_pointing_at_the_viewer:have a look at the BLE Examples also in the Arduino IDE :+1:

Hello, even though I connected, the connection was only for 1 second and nothing continued. Additionally, they could not transfer any data to each other. If possible, can you share your code with me?

Hi there,
Ah’ well I don’t work that way, more of a “Teach a Man to o fish” , Not “here’s a Fish” kinda guy. You post what you are trying and We show you where your code is not correct you will learn more from that and if you have it connecting then that’s half of the equation. Now unless you don’t have the services and characteristics setup properly it will do that. AFAIK
GL :slight_smile: PJ

post your code… :v: