I am trying to use the https://github.com/miguelbalboa/rfid example code with SS_PIN set to 32 and RST set to 5. I do not get D32 or D5 variable in the sketch. Gives not declared in this scope error.
I get the following output on my serial console. mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent() keeps returning 0 and my loop exits from there. Can anyone help with fixing this?
Firmware Version: 0x92 = v2.0
Scan PICC to see UID, SAK, type, and data blocks...
Passed Self-Test
// DMA-based SPI buffer write. This is transmit-only as written, i.e.
// not equivalent to Arduino's SPI.transfer() which both sends and
// receives a single byte or word. Also, this is single-buffered to
// demonstrate a simple SPI write case. See zerodma_spi2.ino for an
// example using double buffering (2 buffers alternating fill & transmit).
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adafruit_ZeroDMA.h>
#include "utility/dma.h"
Adafruit_ZeroDMA myDMA;
ZeroDMAstatus stat; // DMA status codes returned by some functions
// The memory we'll be issuing to SPI:
#define DATA_LENGTH 2048
uint8_t source_memory[DATA_LENGTH];
volatile bool transfer_is_done = false; // Done yet?
// Callback for end-of-DMA-transfer
void dma_callback(Adafruit_ZeroDMA *dma) {
transfer_is_done = true;
void setup() {
uint32_t t;
pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // Onboard LED can be used for precise
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); // benchmarking with an oscilloscope
while(!Serial); // Wait for Serial monitor before continuing
Serial.println("DMA test: SPI data out");
Serial.println("Configuring DMA trigger");
#ifdef __SAMD51__
// SERCOM2 is the 'native' SPI SERCOM on Metro M4
// SERCOM4 is the 'native' SPI SERCOM on most M0 boards
Serial.print("Allocating DMA channel...");
stat = myDMA.allocate();
Serial.println("Setting up transfer");
source_memory, // move data from here
#ifdef __SAMD51__
(void *)(&SERCOM2->SPI.DATA.reg), // to here (M4)
(void *)(&SERCOM4->SPI.DATA.reg), // to here (M0)
DATA_LENGTH, // this many...
DMA_BEAT_SIZE_BYTE, // bytes/hword/words
true, // increment source addr?
false); // increment dest addr?
Serial.println("Adding callback");
// register_callback() can optionally take a second argument
// (callback type), default is DMA_CALLBACK_TRANSFER_DONE
// Fill the source buffer with incrementing bytes
for(uint32_t i=0; i<DATA_LENGTH; i++) source_memory[i] = i;
// Start SPI transaction at 12 MHz
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(12000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0));
Serial.println("Starting transfer job");
t = micros();
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
// Because we've configured a peripheral trigger (SPI), there's
// no need to manually trigger transfer, it starts up on its own.
stat = myDMA.startJob();
// Your code could do other things here while SPI write happens!
while(!transfer_is_done); // Chill until DMA transfer completes
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
t = micros() - t; // Elapsed time
myDMA.printStatus(stat); // Results of start_transfer_job()
Serial.print("Done! ");
Serial.println(" microseconds");
void loop() { }
And I get the following output:
DMA test: SPI data out
Configuring DMA trigger
Allocating DMA channel...Status: OK
Setting up transfer
Adding callback
Starting transfer job
Status: OK
Done! 2742 microseconds
Since the status is printed after callback from the DMA I am guessing this is working?