šŸ„‚ Nordic Semiconductor and Arm reaffirm partnership with licensing agreement

:partying_face:Nordic signs Arm :muscle: Total Access licensing agreement,
securing access to leading-edge processor and security technology for its existing and future multiprotocol, Wi-Fi, cellular IoT, and DECT NR+ products
READ about it hereā€¦
But SEEED Studioā€¦Needs to be on point b4 the competition does. ā€œCellular Xiao NOW!!!ā€
eSIM and SD cardā€¦ GO!!! LTE-M/NB-IoT/GNSS modem

"The nRF9160 LTE modem integrates RFFE, radio and
baseband. It supports worldwide operation, enabling cIoT
products without regional specific variants. "
Just Saying! :bowing_man:

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

cellular is just another fee based subscription service to get intoā€¦

Hi there, TINSTAFLā€¦
Lowest barrier to entry, longest reach.
Period! Protocol and API agnosticā€¦
So. Anything goes.
Nothing even comes close on cost vs. Penatration.
With LRE ,speed is Mwahhh!:smile::v:
Xiao is perfect for said technology roadmap Imho.
GL :smiley: PJ

words to live by.:stuck_out_tongue: