No device found on ttyACMO

Hardware and Software used:
Linux Mint 20.3
Arduino IDE version 2.3.4
Seeeduino XIAO SAMD 21

I am repeatedly meeting with this problem: “No device found on ttyACM0” error notice. Even though the arduino IDE clearly shows the XIAO as identified at the bottom of the IDE dsplay:

This problem seems to be widely reported, with suggested fixes, over on the arduino forums. The suggestions fixes (that are claimed “might work”) involve complexity far beyond my experience level.
Such as: ……e-error/965902

I am using a new DATA type cable to connect the board to my USB ports in the computer.

I tried uploading a Basic Blink sketch, but that resulted in the same error notification.

I will try uploading to a arduino nano board, however, I expect that will be fine, as I have done so successfully on many projects.
Can anyone offer assistance with this please?


Have you read the section Enter Bootloader Mode?

Thanks for the prompt reply.
I have tried that, but I don’t fully understand it.
Just to explain the degree of my boundless ignorance, I interpret it merely as a reset and try again.
What have I missed?


It means two quick resets and entering boot loader mode.

Well, I knew that much, but I don’t know what “entering the boot loader mode” avails me of.
Sorry I did not ask that.
Thanks for the reply.

I will do some more reading on open searches. Surely something will com up that way.


I reset the board again and this time the sketch flashed ok.
I figure I must not have done the reset correctly last time.
I will mark this thread as solved.

I could not edit the title to mark it as solved. Can it be done? If so, how to I access it?