Hello everyone,
We apologize for any inconvenience caused after updating the reTerminal for the very first time. There was a major problem of the LCD not working after doing an update through the initial configuration window. However, if you have checked the wiki carefully, I have mentioned under Step 9 inside Quick Start with reTerminal that you need to skip this step and update the reTerminal through command line separately. Otherwise, if you directly update from this configuration screen and reboot, all the drivers will not load again properly, causing the LCD to not work.
However, I understand that most people, when they buy the reTerminal, they just power on, and will go through the initial configuration screen just as they would with a Raspberry Pi without checking any manual.
So now we have fixed this bug from the Raspberry Pi OS factory image and you can find the latest images here. Please flash the OS using this wiki, and then you can update the reTerminal as usual.
Also, we will ship our latest reTerminals with this image already pre-installed. In that way, future customers will not face this issue.
We hope you understand this matter and hope to see you all doing great projects with reTerminal!
I welcome you all to join our Discord as well and ask any reTerminal related question in the cm4-related product channel. If you have questions for other Seeed products, you can choose a different channel.