New Product: LoRa-E5 LoRa wireless module powered by STM32WE5

Spoiler Alert: Seeed Studio LoRa-E5 LoRa wireless module powered by STM32WE5 is the smallest and cost-effective LoRa SoC. It also covers global bands and comes with a certification. This product will be launched soon!

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modifying: *STM32WLE5

It’s said to sell for less than $1. Is that true? @ellen010726

Hi, when will KICAD Symbols & Footprints be available for this SIP ?

Hi! Thanks for asking:) It would be available next week.

Yes! Thank you so much. I created an account literally just to say thank you. I’ve been following this module a lot and haven’t seen any boards.

Are there plans for a development board?


tried to download kicad symbol/footprint and 3d model and get a 404 error. Can this be fixed ?

Hi. @Digitalforge

We fixed the URL issues, and now it’s good now.

Yes, we are designing a development board now, it should be ready for pre-order by end of this month.

There are several new
LoraWan node products. Some say they support EU866/US915 but the embedded
Loramodule supports a wide range of defined LoraFrequencies including (for example AS923). So, do these products support the full range of Lora frequencies or not ?

LoRa-E5 supports all the high frequency bands.

Sorry for the confusion. LoRa-E5 Dev Board , LoRa-E5 mini and Grove LoRa-E5 support all frequency bands that LoRa-E5 module does, including EU868/US915/AU915/AS923/KR920/IN865

Thank you. Can you suggest a Lora <> 4G gateway that also supports AS 923 ?

Welcome! Our SenseCAP LoRaWAN Gateway has AS923 version, but not showing on Bazaar yet. Should you have demand on AS923 version of this gateway, you may contact via
Will be the same price of the other two frequency band gateways.

Hi, you may be interested in these LoRa-E5 Dev Board , LoRa-E5 mini and Grove LoRa-E5

Hi, I get access denied trying to download the Eagle Library. How can I get the library file?