New Custom DSO Nano Stand!

Hey folks! I’m new around here, but I just wanted to stop by and tell you all about this awesome stand I designed for my DSO Nano. I hope to eventually sell this stand on my website at an estimated cost of $50 (and maybe even have seeedstudio include my design in their kit!), but in the nature of Open Source, I thought I would share an image of my prototype, which you could use to construct your own stand! Enjoy!

awesome I will buy one :laughing:
it has tilt capabilities also!

This is my stand. Simply use angular connector…

Thanks for the design… and the humor!

We will include it into our catalog, seriously. … l?cPath=11 :smiley:

TADA~ Now you can buy it with 50 USD, ( now on special, only 0.5 USD! 99% off. )

Kamal Technologies

<a href="<LINK_TEXT text=“ … g”>Angular">">Angular</LINK_TEXT> js course