Need support with Grove - BLE (dual model) v1.0


I need to send data between win 10 desktop and your dongle connected to a microcontroller. So far about nothing is working, so I need some technical support!

  1.   You provided some API at  so one can setup the dongle.

But some commands are not working, or I enter them in incorrect way. Here is an example when dongle is just connected, so no previous commands.

  1.   In order to use it from windows side, I have to use Bluetooth LE Advertisements.

How to setup them in your dongle? Does it support it? Is it automated?

Best Regards,




1. For the AT command, we use the HM-13 module and You can refer to the AT command(
  1. AT Commands


2. For the API, we have arduino example as below. It uses the software serial(D2/D3 pin of arduino board)

3. For

Bluetooth LE Advertisements, Sorry, we do not have the experience on this, thanks for understanding.

best rgds

I found out the mistake – it was bad Bluetooth drivers on my PC.

I found out the mistake – it was bad Bluetooth drivers on my PC.

Hi Joel

Thanks for keeping us posted.


best rgds

Hello its me again

I have problems with dongle. I need to set up the baud rate to 19200 and 2 stopbits. So I connected on 9600 8N1, wrote AT+BAUD3, it answered OK+SET:3 and now I can not connect to module at all. No combination of baud, stop bits, power on/off works. Here is the picture – I don’t have reset button. Please provide help.

Hello its me again

I have problems with dongle. I need to set up the baud rate to 19200 and 2 stopbits. So I connected on 9600 8N1, wrote AT+BAUD3, it answered OK+SET:3 and now I can not connect to module at all. No combination of baud, stop bits, power on/off works. Here is the picture – I don’t have reset button. Please provide help.

Hi there,

Sorry for the late response. I config the baud rate as 19200 through AT+BAUD3, and i can communicate with PC well. Here is the software i used. If you change the baud rate, it does not work, you have better to power off and power on again the module.


best rgds

I did the same using your software. Dongle worked on 57600, I set baud to 19200 using AT+BAUD3 and now I cannot connect to it at any baud. No idea how to reset it. Power on/off does not help. I think we have bad (fake?) dongle…