Need example USB project on GD32 RISC-V Dev board

Got a GD32 RISC-V Dev board from Have spent several days tried to get it working on the USB Device Hid mouse example project (posted on github by Giga Device, the chip maker).

still not good. still a lot “undefined reference”.
I use below setting:
visual studio code/platformio
platform = gd32v
framework = gd32vf103-sdk
board = gd32vf103v-eval
board_build.mcu = GD32VF103VBT6
board_build.f_cpu = 108000000L

Can you share a successful example project regarding USB on GD32 RISC-V Dev board?


Sorry, we do not have such examples at present, we will plan this content in the future.

Thank you for your quick reply.
I also tried the example project “TFT_GD32” on “”. it didn’t work. I following the steps. download the “LCD library”. when build it, missing “SPI.h”. need more detail steps.
I have worked on PIC32/USB chips for many years. their ecosystem is very good. Since I was born in China, I want to support China chips. So I am planning to study RISC-V chips.
I think ecosystem/examples are very important to attract developers and companies to jump ship.
Hope you can provide successful examples on this board gd32vf103v-eval.
Thank you. 谢谢

How to run the sample project TFT_GD32 under VSC/Platformio.
I spent about 5 days and finally got it works. below is my steps.

on wiki of the product
download the example project file “TFT_GD32” to your project folder under platformio
rename the original package “framework-arduino-gd32v”(at youruserid/.platformio/packages/…) to some thing else, since it is not completed;
download the new framework at;
rename it to framework-arduino-gd32v and put it under youruserid/.platformio/packages/…;
Build the TFT_GD32 project. and notice the firmware.hex is at .pio\build\gd32vf103v-eval;

1. connect the LCD cable in this way the blue marks on both end must face up on both LCD board and Dev board.
in this way the connector pin1 of LCD is connected to connector pin32 on the Dev board.
2. Set the jumpers (BOOT0 & BOOT1) like this,
for uploading/programming/Writing_to_board mode, set BOOT0 to 3V3 and BOOT1 to GND;
for Normal mode, set BOOT0 to GND and BOOT1 to GND;
1. following wiki of SeeedStudio-GD32-RISC-V-Dev-Board
download the DFU tool;
2. set the jumper to uploading/programming/Writing_to_board mode(BOOT0 to 3V3 and BOOT1 to GND);
and plug the USB cable to your computer;
3. program the firmware.hex to the board (there is some pic on
4. reset the jumper to Normal mode(BOOT0 to GND and BOOT1 to GND). and plug the usb cable to computer. the show will begin.