Multiple Sensors, questions in base shield and scripts

Hi community, I’m an educator trying to use seeduino base shield with Arduino to integrate multiple sensors. I have a questions regarding the shield,

  1. When using the shield with UNO, can we only bundle sensors that share the same baud rate?
  2. Should I be using Mega for bundling sensors that use different baud rate?

    3.Could you please send me a sample script of how that might work? lets say (sound sensor and barometer sensor)

    for instance, if I have

    void setup()



    //Serial.println(“Grove - Sound Sensor Test…”);

    Serial.begin(9600); if(!bme280.init()){ Serial.println(“Device error!”);


    Could I just add another like this? (same question goes with the void loop) If not how might one go about go about combining multiple scripts for multiple sensors such as sound and barometer? I would just like to get an understanding of how this might work together.

    Thanks you for reading,


Hi There

maybe you can use the library of SoftSrial.and you can visit this link<LINK_TEXT text=“ … ialExample”></LINK_TEXT> to learn how to use it. :smiley: