I run this sensor on the raspberry pi,
and i see some problems.
- Problem.
After some hours , sometimes 1-3 days when I get normal value from sensor
a get information
The old V1 firmware is not supported by this library
Can’t obtain version!
After power of/on to rasberry I get normal value.
after some times a get that same informarmation by 23 hours, that same value
2019-06-29 08:00:00 0 4.46 0.15 0 0 0 0 0
2019-06-30 09:15:00 0 4.46 0.15 0 0 0 0 0
with 5 min time interval , then a power off raspberry pi and than i get normal value .
- Problem
sometimes a get very high value for some gasses, Propane,Butane,Metan ,2070.37,1337.81,3032.14
when a run calibration than i get normal value.