Mmwave sensor kit customer support

I purchased the supposedly plug and play mmWave Human Detection Sensor Kit and followed the online instructions to set up. Had no problem integrating with Home Assistant but could not get the presence status to change from detected. When something is indicated as “plug and play” it should work out the box. All other readings distance, energy etc readings were changing but the detection status would (and still does) remain as detected. After searching on google, and changing recommended values, still no luck. So as a last resort, I emailed tech support providing them with logs, screen shots and a detailed description of my problem. I spent a lot of time trying to provide support with enough information so that they could respond with things to try. A week went past no response, at about a week and a half after my initial email I get a response. Instead of telling me how to fix my described problem supported by documentation, I received an email on the theory of the product and how it is supposed to work. Hopefully some of you reading this can understand the frustration of this kind of response when you spent countless hours trying to resolve this yourself and took the time to send screen shots, logs and detailed descriptions of the problem. In any event almost a week ago today I responded asking for tech support to provide me a solution not theory and have yet to get a response. Hard to want to purchase anything else from seed studio with this kind of support.

which device? can you send a link? post your data here… we are users and someone
may be able to help

Thanks for your offer to help. In my frustration I deleted the logs and screenshots I provided tech support for the mmWave Human Detection Sensor Kit
so I will re-gather that information and post it soon. Again thanks for the help offer

Here is a link showing my settings mmwave presence clear – ScreenClip
but know instead of being stuck at detected it is stuck at clear

i do not have this device… but did you try connecting to it directly to see if it has any different information? did you check to see if a newer firmware? do you know Arduino IDE?

I have this device… i played with it a little… i wasnt really impressed by it… it seemed to detect… i was wanting to use it to sence a water level… asuming humans are just big bags of water… but it did not… my board had a bluetooth app which was easier to use than programming… if nothing works you still have a pretty cool ESP32 box… i didnt even know they made something like that!

LoL, tks a 30 dollar paper weight. The bigger point I wanted to get across is that these folks do not support their product and from the looks of it use the forum as a way to get buy without incurring labor cost. I am sure they probably make other good products, but personally I wont recommend them or purchase another of their products. IMO not a way to run a business.
Again sir, I thank you for trying, have a great day :slight_smile:

Hi there,
Sounds like you just ran out of patients, It does require a fair bit of technical knowledge,
Bu I don’t see anywhere that it says it’s “PLUG & PLAY” I think you may have miss read something or just made that part up?

Countless hours ? hmmm. Should have asked for help sooner on here or through support I figure.

GL :slight_smile: PJ
what have you tried to trouble shoot it, I don’t see any threads asking is all?

First off I don’t “just made that part up” so we will go with “miss read something”. When seeed states “Achieve easy setup for Home Assistant within 1-2 minutes” I assumed that meant a functional integration not “a fair bit of technical knowledge”.
As for “Countless hours ? hmmm. Should have asked for help sooner on here or through support I figure.” Guess you missed the part about me asking for tech support, reread my post again. Finally. as to “what have you tried to trouble shoot it, I don’t see any threads asking is all?” I believe this forum is called “Complaints and Suggestions” why would I ask for technical support in this forum? Instead to trolling if you really wanted to help you could have taken the time to look at the link I provided and suggest some things to try. But thanks for you input anyway.

Another spoon feeder… GL with your attitude getting any help.
GL :slight_smile: PJ :+1:

Never asked for help in this forum, comprehension is not your strong point

Yo mister caffeine, LOL, like yours is…
You come on here , throwing some stones because you can’t read or get what it takes to implement this newer sensor Tech. Wah, Wah, Wah… is all I hear. I don’t see any request from you for user input or basic help in understanding, Hell I bet you didn’t even read any of the threads for it with all " the countless hours" Hilarious…
GL :slight_smile: PJ
PAL! :v:

Thank you for your feedback regarding the Seeed Studio mmWave Human Detection Sensor Kit. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and frustration you have experienced.

First, please allow me to clarify that our technical support team responded to all emails received about the kit by last Friday. Currently, we have not received any new emails from you. If your issue remains unresolved, we cordially invite you to continue communicating with us. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the necessary assistance and support.

Secondly, I would like to emphasize that the tutorials provided on our Wiki are based on actual operational steps. From the installation video we recorded, it is evident that following the guided steps, the entire setup process can be completed within minutes. Moreover, we are pleased to inform you that the kit has now been officially included in ESPHome, greatly enhancing its reliability and integration speed with home automation systems.

We greatly value your precious opinions and suggestions. If you have any ideas or suggestions regarding our products or services, please feel free to share them with us at any time. We take every customer’s feedback seriously and continuously strive to improve the quality of our products and services.

Once again, thank you for your feedback, and we apologize for any issues you have encountered. If you require any further assistance or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or our support channels. Our team will do their utmost to provide you with a satisfactory solution.

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it seemed from what i saw that he was having a problem with one sensor trigger… i am not sure if there is a way to manually test the sensor triger operation outside of ESPHome to verify

Then there is something wrong with your email system, on the same day your tech provided the 1st and only technical support response (about a week earlier I got an email stating that tech would be getting with me soon) that described in theory how you product was supposed to work, I responded asking for fixes’ not theory, never received an email last Friday did that include the asked for things to try? because to date I have only received 1 email not 2.
As I said in my post on the forum, and the initial email, I followed every step in your wiki(mmWave Human Detection Sensor Kit | Seeed Studio Wiki) that is how I was able to enter it into esphome and update the firmware. The real question here is why did your rep not provide some suggestions on what to try to get it to work in the first place, I assume you read my original email and the included logs and screen shots?
Finally, instead of taking this opportunity in this post to provide a meaning full solution or show any interest in providing such, you take this approach. I have moved on from this product and as such won’t spend any more time trying to explain or get it to work, just consider my purchase a donation.

what is your location boss… are you in the US?

Sorry for being long winded but I have to type 20 characters to be able to post.
Yes, I am in the US, Arizona

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lol sounds good! I am in Virginia… too far to meet up

sounds good… we like to keep it on here so other people can learn as well… you can remove you email so you dont get spammed