2.) when making the PCB in eagle, do you have the libraries used for those buttons to be placed on the pcb using the add dialog? I was going to go through the task of switching the 64 button pcb to use the other buttons. this would give people an option to use both button types you offer.
awesome! now I can make a blue arduinome with those buttons!
and those buttons are not showing up in the [Monome related] link in the nav section of the depot. but i do find them in the buttons and switches section.
watch those led leads, they will miss the whole and when you push the button in, the leads will slide up.
i think it took me about 10 minutes to put all teh buttons on the board before soldering because sometimes i would have to push in a lead in the hole. but it works best when you start with one side, then push the other side in slowly.