MicroPython implementation for WioTerminal?

The WioTerminal is supposed to support MicroPython firmware.
I did located the ArduPy (and aip tool) however it is not a “True” MicroPython implementation I’m use to.

Could you inform me about the MicroPython portage for the WioTerminal?

Kind regards,

why do you say “ArduPy is not a True MicroPython implementation” ? Just different user interface.

Wio terminal also supports CircuitPython, which is the implementation of micropython. you can find more details here at https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Wio-Terminal-CircuitPython/

Because I can’t use the regular tools (as RShell) I’m using since many years with all my other MicroPython board. So can’t manager files on the WioTerminal.

Can’t copy main.py file to the WioTerminal (with Rshell or even with “aip”)!


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Hi Salman,
CircuitPython is a modified version of MicroPython (with different hardware API designed by Adafruit Industries).
I’m using the original MicroPython API for Hardware programming. This is why I’m looking for MicroPython firmware.


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Micropython is available for the Seeed WIO terminal. The firmware can be found at MicroPython - Python for microcontrollers, a documentation for the SAMD port is at Quick reference for the SAMD21/SAMD51 family — MicroPython latest documentation, which links to the WIO Terminal pin assignment. Get the most recent nightly builds to have the up-to-date coverage. The port is not yet complete. For instance WiFi and Bluetooth support is yet to come. And some PRs are in the queue to get merged. Some examples on usage and review can be found at MicroPython on the Seeed Studio Wio Terminal: it works! – We Saw a Chicken …