Maix Bit-Mic microphone not working

Under Arduino IDE, Example Maix_Speech_Recognition>>get_voice_model: The sketch runs on Maix-Bit-Mic board, but no amount of sound will trigger the recording. The same sketch, compiled for Maix-Bit-Mic OR Maix-Go runs correctly on Maix Go. Scope signals on pins 18, 19, and 20 look as expected.

I think there is a hardware problem. I have tested 6 of the Maix-Bit-Mic boards out of 50 that we bought from Sipeed, and the microphone on none of them work. I cannot check the signals under the processor. But the same code works correctly on the Maix-Go.

Please help! Send a code example that successfully uses the microphone on the Maix-Bit-Mic.

Is it possible to re-map a pin using the fpioa function to the i2s data input? How?

Thank you.

Any resolution to this issue? I have the same problem!

Maixduino’s speech recognition routine was originally designed for Maix go. If you look closely at the schematic, you will find that the L/R pins of MEMS Mic are different, so GO uses left channel data and Bit uses right channel data. . If the output of the relevant pin is tested as normal, then it is usually not a hardware problem. It only needs to be changed in the software. The fastest test method is to use Maixpy’s Mic example. If you want to use a speech recognition example, you can also change the code here:<LINK_TEXT text=“ … on.cpp#L58”></LINK_TEXT>

<LINK_TEXT text=“ … on.cpp#L69”></LINK_TEXT>