M2 light hotspot - Country changes


I am working for a company which one of it’s products is using a M2 light hotspot with the US915 standard. We are currently trying to expand to different countries and this would lead to transferring our product back and fourth between countries.

Is it possible to convert an existing Sensecap M2 light hotspot into another standard? Say for example from US915 into EU868? If the hardware is capable I imagine it would only involve changing the antenna to the appropriate standard and updating the antenna information and location on the helium network.

Or is it that each Sensecap for each standard is only capable of outputting a specific frequency? In that case can it move at least from different standards but same frequency, for example US915 to AU915.

Thank you.

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How did it go? I’ve read on SenseCAP’s Discord that it is supposed to auto-switch as you said.


From another conversation with seed studio, we had the following response regarding the M2 model: “SenseCAP M2 Light Hotspot AU915 version cannot be used in the US915 region.”

For the M1 model we had the following response “The US915 version device can auto adjust the frequency to the AU915 and AS923. This only works for the US915 model.”

We have bought some M1 US915 and they do auto adjust its region. But for M2 the anwser is no.

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it seems that must be the case, because they produce different models, but i think they are producing chips that work on different frequencies… i think it may be a regulatory thing… the country regulators do not want you to be able to flip a bit and start transmitting on a unapproved frequency… i think it is a regulatory approval thing more than hardware