M2 Appserver drops MQTT application topic after awhile and resorts to gateway topic

Why does my M2 drop the application topic and resort to a gateway topic for LoRaWan connections? This scres up subscribers who were listening to application updates. How can I prevent that from happening?
Client LoRaServer Subscribed to topic application/7fefb004-d4fe-43df-be22-1f195212e322/device/0000000000000002/event/up

Client LoRaServer Subscribed to topic gateway/2cf7f1115460010b/device/0000000000000002/event/up

I like the application scoped topics.

Hi there,
AFAIK, Any failure of the Topic’s publish is in the MQTT Broker , is it having stability issue?
GL :slight_smile: PJ

No, the SenseCap M2 stops publishing the application topic and instead publishes the data to a gateway topic and for LoRaWan end node data transmissions. I am grouping end nodes by application. The two topics are listed above. SenseCap M2 is 100% responsable for what the topics, the format of the data, are and publishing the LoRaWan data to them.

Hi there,
Ah’ I see… when it stops , why is it stopping is the question then, No ?
Is it freezing or unresponsive?
Never seen that b4.?
GL :slight_smile: PJ

No, that’s the odd part. It stops sending to the application topic but keeps sending the gateway topic. (It posts to both for each end nodes transmissions) after a while it starts up again for a little bit then stops. The gateway topic continues uninterrupted the entire time. The MQTT server is my code so i can see all the details of what connects, subscribes and posts. So are the end nodes of the LoRaWan so I can see what and when they send. The M2 doesn’t expose much on the outbound stuff it sends or attempts to send. Nothing freezes and I see no errors reported anywhere.

Client LoRaServer Subscribed to topic application/7fefb004-d4fe-43df-be22-1f195212e322/device/0000000000000002/event/up
Client LoRaServer Subscribed to topic gateway/2cf7f1115460010b/device/0000000000000002/event/up
Client LoRaServer Subscribed to topic application/7fefb004-d4fe-43df-be22-1f195212e322/device/0000000000000002/event/up
Client LoRaServer Subscribed to topic gateway/2cf7f1115460010b/device/0000000000000002/event/up
Client LoRaServer Subscribed to topic application/7fefb004-d4fe-43df-be22-1f195212e322/device/0000000000000002/event/up
Client LoRaServer Subscribed to topic gateway/2cf7f1115460010b/device/0000000000000002/event/up
Client LoRaServer Subscribed to topic application/7fefb004-d4fe-43df-be22-1f195212e322/device/0000000000000002/event/up
Client LoRaServer Subscribed to topic gateway/2cf7f1115460010b/device/0000000000000002/event/up
Client LoRaServer Subscribed to topic gateway/2cf7f1115460010b/device/0000000000000002/event/up
Client LoRaServer Subscribed to topic gateway/2cf7f1115460010b/device/0000000000000002/event/up
Client LoRaServer Subscribed to topic gateway/2cf7f1115460010b/device/0000000000000002/event/up
Client LoRaServer Subscribed to topic gateway/2cf7f1115460010b/device/0000000000000002/event/up
Client LoRaServer Subscribed to topic gateway/2cf7f1115460010b/device/0000000000000002/event/up
Client LoRaServer Subscribed to topic gateway/2cf7f1115460010b/device/0000000000000002/event/up

Hi there,
Ok, well sounds like a memory or buffer problem from what your describing.
Is it always at the same amount of run time?, can add some delay in between the sending or switching to send?
Kind of a head scratcher. maybe the M2 needs more time to send or is network traffic high?
GL :slight_smile: PJ