As described above, I’ve sent this command with parameters, as per Seeed Wiki:
But I did not have any reply from the LoRa E5 module.
I’ve tried other variants:
– with spaces between bytes, such as AT+KEY=APPKEY,"2B 7E 15 16 28 AE D2 A6 AB F7 15 88 09 CF 4F 3C"
– with more than 16 bytes of data
In all those cases LoRa E5 module did not respond to those commands. This behaviour does not match description in the document “AT Command Specification rev 1.0”.
It responds if I sent less than 16 bytes:
Also it responds is there is no data:
Yes, I created device in TTN console. This is where I see the response “MIC mismatch”.
I’ve created and deleted device in TTN console about 10 times with different parameters: with different APPKEY, with different DevEUI, with MAC rev 1.0.2 and MAC rev 1.0.3, selected channels 1,2,8, etc. I always get “MIC mismatch” response from TTN console.
"data": {
"@type": "",
"namespace": "pkg/joinserver",
"name": "mic_mismatch",
"message_format": "MIC mismatch",
"correlation_id": "6202256415f746c6913676f776740e94",
"code": 3