Looking for the right product to purchase

1. Am I correct in my assumptions below and what are your thoughts?

I am looking for a portable spectrum analyzer which will enable me to walk into a customer site

and troubleshoot RF/RFI problems. We currently sell a lot of wireless products mainly running at

430Khz, 6.78Mhz, 13.56Mhz, 40.68Mhz,319.5Mhz and 900Mhz. So it is most important for me to

be able to monitor these frequencies. I believe the WSUB1G Plus will do all I need right now at a

reasonable cost over the others.

In the future we will be installing cell phone based products also. This will require at least the

ISM Combo Plus for me to still be able to work at the lower frequencies and also be able to

analyze 2.4Ghz.

If I were to think further into possible problems I may run into when going cell based products,

the 6G Combo and 3G Combo would be something to consider although I would lose my low

frequency capability unless I purchase the Upconverter. This is not very cost effective for what I

really need at this time but I would hate to spend a couple hundred $$$ only to find I should have spent

double that for future customer sites.

So here I am, wondering which product I should purchase.

2. If I spend all that money on the 6G with the Upconverter will it do for me exactly what the

WSUB1G plus and/or ISM Combo Plus will do?

3. I can use a laptop at the customer site to run the software but:

3a. Do you have Android based software for these products?

3b. I already downloaded the PC base software for free “RF Explorer for Windows”, is this

what I would use or is there something better?

4. Anything else you can share to help me get the right product for my job.