Looking for ORIGINAL Firmware 1,4

Hi, i am looking for original (entire) firmware of DSO sold (primary) for E’go china
Version firmware 1,4 and Upgrade logo e-Design

I erroneous upload another tagged as “original” but it changes my logos to seedstudio.com DSO Nano v1.1

Please, create a backup and send to me, only need DfuSE Demo, click “choose” on Upload action and next upload. The file create in this metod is that I need,

Thanks to all, many thanks for your help.

We don’t have it, please ask E’go china for support. :slight_smile:

Mine just arrived today from china. E-Design ver 1.4.00p
How can i help you to give you the firmware?
How do i make a backup ?

Hi, first. THANKS

1)you must be install the DfuSE, download at: st.com/stonline/products/sup … um0412.zip
this is a general software to Upload and Download firmware, are very secure to operate. http://www.st.com/stonline/products/support/micro/files/um0412.zip

2)put your DSO Nano in DFU mode.

  • Power off
  • Press minus (or down) button and hold
  • Power ON
    when e-design logo and Upgrade … USB… text appears release minus button
  1. Attach USB cable

  2. Start DfuSE Demostration (software previous installed)

  3. Select in Upload action, button Choose

  4. enter name. Ie : backupPaul14

  5. Click on Upload.

In this moment, Dfu download firmware to file
8) Send me this file (ha-ha-ha) thanks anywhere. [email protected]

The process is very secure, and is very util to you so.

The complete process (in true english) can you download at:

dsonano.googlecode.com/files/DSO … pgrade.pdf

Thanks from Argentine, i appreciated you interest.