I have a SenseCAP A1102 which is composed of a S2100 data logger and an AI camera containing a XIAO esp32c3 and Grove vision AI V2 (as shown in the picture)
I was trying to connect the camera to WIFI by programming the XIAO esp32c3 in the camera. I did this by connecting the esp32 via its type-c port and with my PC and I uploaded the codes through the Arduino IDE. I strongly believe that I have messed up and overwritten the original firmware of the camera which was enabling it to connect to Bluetooth as well as with the s2100 data logger.
The data logger is no longer able to communicate with the camera and the mobile app too cannot detect the camera via Bluetooth even though the camera is powered up.
Is there a way to revert back or flash the original firmware and if so where can I find the firmware file? Many thanks.
Hi there,
So the if you load the Camera App on it it would be restored.
I don’t see the issue? Just reflash the code on the Xiao and you’re golden.
You sure about the C3 AFIAK it requires a S3 so that’s confusing.
Go to the WiKi and read up on the S3 and you can use the Web CAM code to restore it.
Hi PJ,
Thank you for your reply and information. Yes I believe it is C3 according to the online website. I tried to flash the esp32c3 as instructed from this webpage: https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/XIAO_ESP32C3_Getting_Started/#software-setup using the factory firmware but to no avail.
My issue is more related to the A1102 not being able to communicate at all with the s2100 datalogger and with the mobile app via Bluetooth. I looked a lot online on how to restore the XIAO esp32-c3 default firmware for the camera but could not find anything solid. It would be great if you have any other suggestions?
Many thanks.
Hi there,
OK , SO the factory firmware will only restore it’s bootloader and properly cleared flash, You will then need to put it in BL mode and flash a user code to it, Or use the blinky example from the link you posted.
This will do two things, One Verify it’s working and two that you can flash it correctly , Then try YOUR code and see what you get.
May take a few attempts.