LIPO RIDER PRO solar cell number

I am designing a solar charger for outback for my phone and usually the weather is cloudy. Is there any restriction in how many solar panels 3W model can I attach to lipo rider pro. I don’t want to burn it with to high of a current; I would like to link parallel 4 solar cells, and the output if there is a ray of sun would be around 2500mA. Thank you in advance for any info and idea.

i think two 3w solar panels is the best

I only want to know what will happen if I connect 4 3W solar cells, will I burn the circuit of lipo rider pro by any chance. RIset=3.9kΩ is in the data sheet on the wiki page mentioned as a charge current limiter, but on the board I can not find it. Can anybody help me locate it.