LinkStar-H28K-0408 broken image

I can’t find an image for the LinkStar-H28K-0408 where things are working properly and I can install wireguard, if I flash the image from the product page I can’t access the web interface as there is a bad gateway error due to many corrupted Lua files of the luci package, if instead I try to flash version QWRT R24.01.23 everything is working fine, except I cannot install wireguard kernel module (wireguard-kmod) package and so I cannot use wireguard that would be the main use case…

The reason I cannot install wireguard module is because the kmods url for the specific kernel are not available anymore as the image was based on snapshot build …

Honestly it is very disappointing to have a product and have no stable software to run on…

Hi there,
so I see in this Link They have working Distro’s and forks that work, better than the one it’s shipped with.

From what I gather it’s not based on TRUE OpenWRT but a Chinese fork of it
Also the EMMc appears to be the better choice to boot from by many users.
What seeed provides is the minimum to get it working without any extra extended features.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

there are several other GITs for it by users more skilled in OpenWRT :+1: