I am trying to use the com port to print out data. I’m using the modem port and can send commands successfully to LinkIt, but LinkIt stops whenever the program tries to execute a Serial.print command. What could cause this behavior?
Could you please provide more details of the issue you are facing. To isolate the issue, please ensure
- Updating to latest LinkIt ONE firmware.
- Prepare a sample code to try just Serial.print() without any other applications and see if it working.
Also check this forum topic
I’ve update to latest firmware. Tried simple code:
void setup()
void loop()
No luck. LinkIt can read and serial commands, but stops execution on any Serial.print command:
void setup()
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
void loop()
if (Serial.available() > 0)
command = Serial.read();
switch (command)
case ‘N’:
temp = Serial.parseInt();
Serial.println(temp); //Stops here but works if I comment out this line
timeon = temp * 1000;
case 'F':
temp = Serial.parseInt();
//Serial.print("Time Off = "); //These lines are commented out so that the case works
timeoff = temp * 1000;
digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);
I am using the Modem com port.
Please do not use debug port (use Modem Port Com port number in IDE) to view the Serial Print outputs. Your example works.
edit:Typo on proper port for debug.
Please use the following instructions seeedstudio.com/wiki/LinkIt_ … ng_Drivers to properly install and identify the COM ports.
Sometimes, we might wrongly select the COM port number.
Thanks and Warm Regards
I am using the modem com port. Drivers are installed and show up in device manager properly. LinkIt can receive data properly but locks up on transmit.