Layout file for Odyssey STM32MP157C


The file on GitHub for Odyssey STM32MP157C NPi hardware ( ) is named “SCH & PCB”. I opened it in OrCAD but only found schematics. Is there no PCB layout file or I haven’t opened it correctly?

The full resourses should be downloaded here.

I have downloaded it from here as well but no PCB layout. Can you confirm whether the Hardware PCB layout is distributed or not?

Can you please share what software and version was used to create the PCB? I see a BRD file but I can’t open it. Or is there a way to get the Gerber files for this PCB, so I can extract the footprints and exact component positions.

Hi @burhanuddin92:
we use OrCAD to design this PCB. there is the software version in the image below.

Thank you for sharing the version. I now have the file opened. However, it seems that the “Resources” section from the wiki page has been removed. Could you please look into it? doesn’t point to resources now.

Hi @burhanuddin92
Thanks for your feedback. you have access to the for now.