K1100 Dev Kit will not add device with Mate camera scanner on phone

Hi, I purchased the K1100 dev kit, but I cannot get it to add the device in the SenseCAP Mate app. When I scan the QR code on the LoRa E5 board like the instructions say to do, it detects the kit successfully, but it will not go any further, and I end up with devices=0.

I have a SenseCAP M1 in the household, but it does not seem to be registered, even though it is visible and registered in the SenseCAP browser app:

But regardless, I should be able to register a new device in the phone app, shouldn’t I?

Should I be upgrading the Wio firmware somewhere?

Regards, AB

Hi, could you present the image of your APP after scanning the QR? Also, could you tell me when did you purchase the kit? Because there is a time-point we upgraded the firmware and something has been changed.

Hi, I purchased this kit on July 22, invoice 4000116124.

I tried to add the device using the Mate app this morning. It seemed to scan the QR code, and accept it, but when I checked for devices, it still came back as device=0.

Regards, Adrian

Hi, we should need your DevEUI number for further problem verification. Could you send the DevEUI to [email protected] ?

Hi, the DevEUI is xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Also, the other question I have is this:

Do I need to register the gateway (SenseCAP M1) with the Mate app? If so, what is the DevEUI?

Also, I just sent the deveui to the tech support address.

Regards, Adrian

Hi, the email has been received. The tech support will contact you as soon as possible. :smiley:

Hi, I am just wondering if this is becoming a bigger problem than you realized? It has been 4 days and I have not heard anything …

Regards, Adrian

Okay… I will help to contact the tech support again

Hi, it has been 12 days and I still have not heard anything about this. Is there a problem with the software, or am I just being ignored?

Regards, AB

Hi, The tech support told me they contacted you several days ago. They reviewed the DevEUI you sent and there is no problem with it, but meanwhile it also showed that the DevEUI has not been used to upload to the SenseCAP cloud.
Once the QR code has been scanned, it should be detected and SenseCAP cloud should have records. Would you mind sent me the picture of the your phone about the problem? A video will be even better.
Sorry for the trouble.

Hi Citric, I have not received any email from seeed, and I have checked our spam filter. It would seem like this forum is the best way to communicate.

I will make a video of the problem, and let you know when it is available for download in this forum.

Regards, Adrian

Hi Citric, here is a picture from my phone where I get stuck, with the Mate app running. I am also logged into the website in my phone browser (sensecap.seeed.cc). Should I be using the Mate app for this purpose of adding a device?
Note that the Mate app did successfully scan the QR code, which resulted in this screen, but it won’t let me go any further when I press the ‘default’ button to assign it to a room. It will let me create other rooms too, but I still end up with devices=0.

Regards, Adrian

Hi, you should use the standalone SenseCAP Mate software to scan the code to bind, or use the web side of your computer to enter the device code to bind. The download address of the software

Hi Citric, that is exactly what I am doing, using the dedicated app on my Android phone. As you can see from the last screen capture I provided, it scans the QR code just fine, and moves to the next screen (which I provided). From that screen, I can go no further.

It simply will not bind that device!

Regards, Adrian

I understand, would it be convenient for you to join our discord channel and I can try again for you with a new QR code and device code.

Hi Citric, I am having a lot of trouble with Discord; it does not work for me, so I would like to stay with this forum. I think your idea of trying another QR code is a good idea, but can you do that without replacing the K1100 kit that I have?

Regards, Adrian

DevEUI, AppEUI and AppKey are the only credentials to bind your device, which cannot be published here, otherwise everyone can tamper with your information or bind your device with the information we exchange.
Replacing the QR code as well as the three codes does not require a replacement kit, but only if you make sure that all the information I give you is not compromised.

Hi Cedric, could you please use this encrypted link to send that data:

Regards, Adrian

What I need to give you is a file, can you tell me your email address?

Hi Cedric, could you please lookup my email address (I don’t want it published)? Also, I presume you are sending it with a different email from what appears to be a ‘no-reply’ ?

Regards, Adrian