K1100 Binds with wrong Frequency

I have setup the K1100 using the SenseCAP app. All goes well, but when it binds, it reports it on the EU863-870 Frequency. The US 915 band has been selected an confirmed in the device before binding with the QR code…

Currently using SenseCraft-v0.31

Image of Device info screen here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/nkMWttS6GcNZMxnf8



The band displayed by the software is not necessarily the same as the band you are actually using, don’t worry about it. The band you select in Wio Terminal is the one you use.

I also have the same issue.
I have an account with the SenseCap Mate app. I have an SenseCAP Indoor LoRaWAN Gateway x1. It shows the LoRa-E5 but offline - even after binding several times. Two I added the Grove LoRa-E5 both manually and via Camera (after deleting). I set the WIO K1100 to USA 915 but the SenseCAP Mate says Europe and it is never “Online”. The “Signal” shows 4 Bars. In addition,SenseCAP K1100 connects successfully and then looses connection immediately and the Network says OFF. I have deleted this several times and started over with the same results. I thought I followed the instructions carefully. Need help!