Jetpack 4.4 on AGX H01

you provided a driver for jetpack4.4 in this however, I have doubt it works or if it is for real!!!

could you read the file Readme.txt you provided!!!
it even was written in a way to get you lost see here, I am copying what you posted

Step one
** Download jetpack4.3 image package**
1.Download by sdkmanager
2.Download via :Jetson Download Center | NVIDIA Developer

Step two,untar image package

1. tar xf Jetson_Linux_R32.3.1_aarch64.tbz2
2. cd Linux_for_tegra/rootfs
3. sudo tar xfp …/…/ Tegra_Linux_Sample-Root-Filesystem_R32.4.3_aarch64.tbz2
4. cd …/
5. sudo ./

**overlay the file in the dir “A505_drvonly_jp43_r32.3.1” into Linux_for_Tegra dir which generated in step2 **
cp -r A505_drvonly_jp43_r32.3.1/Linux_for_Tegra Linux_for_Tegra

Step 3

** Before flash. Must put device into recovery mode ,and connect to host pc via typec connect ,if devices be in the **
** recovery mode ,you can use cmd “lsusb” in the pc host will show as below**

** 0955:7019 NVidia Corp.(32G xavier usb id in the recovery mode) and hdmi output nothing be in the recovery mode**

sudo ./ jetson-xavier mmcblk0p1 (generated systeimg,Use the cmdline at first time to flash )
sudo ./ -r jetson-xavier mmcblk0p1 (don’t generated systeimg,reduce flash time)

firstly you said we provide for jetpack 4.4 and in the txt file you are telling to download 4.3!!!
and see the rest please
this is unacceptable

please fix it!!!

I am very sorry that this may have been a problem caused by an oversight on the part of our colleagues. I have noted the issue and we will adjust the content in there as soon as possible and I will get back to you here with any new information.

We have just updated the driver for 4.4, please clear your browser cache and download it again. Once again, we apologise for the inconvenience caused by our sloppy work.

I have done this multiple times
did you run or try it on ur board? did it work?

This is the new zip, no longer the previous one.

thanks agine for replying

I have done what you have posted in the new zip file. please I tried maytimes to do what was written poorly in the readme file but no avial. the system could not even boot.

the file you download from nvidia website is not even named as in the readme file
1. tar xf Jetson_Linux_R32.4.3_aarch64.tbz2

this has to be changed
2. cd Linux_for_tegra/rootfs
2. cd Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs

  1. sudo tar xfp …/…/ Tegra_Linux_Sample-Root-Filesystem_R32.4.3_aarch64.tbz2
    3 sudo tar xfp …/…/Tegra_Linux_Sample-Root-Filesystem_R32.4.3_aarch64.tbz2

  2. sudo ./

  3. sudo ./

cp -r A505_drvonly_jp44_r32.4.3/Linux_for_Tegra Linux_for_Tegra
cp -r H01_Driver_for_4.4/A505_drvonly_jp44_r32.4.3/Linux_for_Tegra Linux_for_Tegra

please I have been trying for awhile I have opened three months ago another post
and same they reply randomly without even reading the post


Hi citric!
is there any solution to this please!?

I need it I really need it
i have bought the AGX and the seller did not refund me !